Hospital Resources
Newsletters + Press Releases

The Compass Hospital Improvement Contractor (HQIC) monthly Navigator and mid-monthly Cliff Notes newsletters serve as informative resources for hospitals by giving early access to newly released materials, educational opportunities and important updates. These newsletters are also a chance for the network to show support and recognize program participants by highlighting their successes and sharing their stories with others in the Compass HQIC Community.
The Compass Navigator is a monthly newsletter that contains a section for state partners to communicate state specific news and announcements to hospital participants. The Compass Navigator newsletter is sent on the first business day of each month or the next open business day.
The Compass Cliff Notes newsletter delivers a mid-month communication with timely updates and announcements. Hospitals who turned in an enrollment form have been automatically subscribed to these two newsletters. If there are others in your organization that wish to receive the newsletters they can subscribe by using the following link. Subscribe to the Compass Newsletters below. The Compass Cliff Notes newsletter is sent on the 15th of every month or the next open business day.
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