The Compass Healthcare Collaborative (Compass) Patient Safety Conference highlights best practices and innovations for healthcare quality improvement and patient safety. At this event, conference presenters share their best practices that directly impacted outcomes in patient safety and equity for patients in Iowa and across the nation. The goal of the conference is to educate and inspire the healthcare community to engage in quality activities that improve patient safety and quality across the healthcare continuum. This event will take place September 10-11, 2025 at the Meadows Events and Conference Center in Altoona, IA.
Forum sessions will benefit physicians, CEOs, CFOs, senior administrators, nurses, quality assurance professionals, trustees/board members, clinic managers, infection control professionals, hospital pharmacy directors, clinical pharmacists and other healthcare personnel.

The Compass Patient Safety Award and Poster Symposium is an opportunity for promoting and sharing best practices during the Compass Patient Safety Conference. The Patient Safety Award recognizes outstanding leadership and achievement demonstrated by healthcare providers, hospitals, communities, clinics and organizations. The award honors champions who support initiatives that improve patient safety, promote population health, reduce the risk of harm and encourage person-centered health.
To further enhance the forum experience for attendees, Compass is inviting interested organizations to be a sponsor for this exciting event! This is a great opportunity for those interested in making valuable connections, supporting the Compass goal of improving healthcare quality and spreading the word about your outstanding organization!
How Compass shares event sponsor information:
- A sign with organization's logo at the forum
- Organization logo on event welcome slides
- Organization logo on forum e-blasts
- An E-blast thanking the specific organization for sponsoring the forum
- Organization logo and description on a social media post that highlights the specific organization
- Organization logo on a social media post that thanks all sponsors
- Organization logo on the Event Agenda Overview Document
- Organization logo on the Compass Patient Safety Conference Webpage
- Organization mention on an iCompass discussion post
Who sees these sponsorship mentions?
- E-blasts reach 2,780+ contacts
- Compass LinkedIn Followers: 1,000+
- Compass Facebook Followers: 748
- Compass Twitter Followers: 339
- Compass iCompass subscribers: 2,443: iCompass is an Compass communicative platform healthcare professionals use to connect and collect valuable information and tools. Accounts are FREE to make.
If interested in this opportunity, utilize the form below.
Accreditation: This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Iowa Medical Society (IMS). Compass Healthcare Collaborative is accredited by the IMS to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
Designation: Compass designates this live activity for a maximum of 9.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™ Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Commercial Support: This activity was developed without support from any ineligible company. *The ACCME defines ineligible companies as those whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients. Note: The ACCME does not consider providers of clinical service directly to patients to be commercial interests unless the provider of clinical services is owned, or controlled by, and ACCME defined ineligible company.
Disclosure: Compass adheres to the Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education. The content of this activity is not related to products or the business lines of an ACCME-defined ineligible company. None of the planners or moderators for this educational activity have relevant financial relationships to disclose with ineligible companies whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing products used by or on patients.
American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE)
Qualified Education: By attending the 2025 Compass Patient Safety Conference offered by the Compass Healthcare Collaborative participants may earn up to 10 ACHE Qualified Education Hours toward initial certification or recertification of the Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE) designation.
Nursing Continuing Education
Up to 5.0 Nursing Contact Hours will be awarded for day 1 and 4.75 Nursing Contact Hours will be awarded for day 2 of this conference by IHA Iowa Board of Nursing, provider #4. Contact hours will be available during this conference to participants who attend sessions in their entirety. Partial credit for individual sessions will not be granted. NOTE: To receive CEUs or a certificate of attendance, you are required to attend the entire conference that credit is being requested for. No partial credit will be granted.
Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality (CPHQ)
This program has been approved by the National Association for Healthcare Quality for a maximum of 17.5 CPHQ continuing education credits for this event.
Certified Professional in Patient Safety (CPPS)
This activity meets the criteria of the Certification Board for Professionals in Patient Safety for up to 8.0 CPPS CE hours. It is the provider’s responsibility to track course expiration dates and to submit renewal applications prior to the expiration date identified above (if applicable). If you have questions please contact Sarah Blossom, director of certification, at 617-391-9927 or sblossom@ihi.org.
If you have any questions, please connect with Compass at education@compasshcc.org.
If you plan to discuss this event on your social media platforms, the Compass team kindly asks that you tag us in your Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn posts as well as use the hashtags:
#CompassPatientSafetyConference and #CompassPatientSafetyAward
Compass social media pages are listed at the bottom of this webpage.
Conference Recaps
2024 |
We Are Compass!

2024 kicked off our new chapter as compass. Learn all about it below!
2024 Patient Safety Conference attendees had the opportunity to participate in the Compass Patient Safety Award and Poster Symposium. For the first time ever, poster presenters had the chance to share their hard work with the entire group in a round robin format. Later, judges had the opportunity to probe even deeper, and learn all about the work being put in. Below is a list of outstanding healthcare organizations that presented their posters during the event. Conference attendees also had the opportunity to vote for their favorite poster presentation.
2024 Patient Safety Awardees
Fan Favorite: Montgomery County Memorial Hospital + Clinics | Holistic Approaches For Enhancing patient Safety: Integrating Social Determinate of Health
Improving Care Transitions: Jefferson County Health Center | Retention Revolution: Evidence Based Strategies For Nurse Retention And Its Impact On The Patient Experience
Community Service Integration: Story County Medical Center | Caring For Our Community | One Story At A Time
Patient + Family Engagement: Story Medical Center | Engaging Families In Wellness: our Community Health Fair Story
Health Outcomes: Methodist Jennie Edmundson | Improving SEP-1 Bundle Compliance
Patient Safety: Mercy Medical Center | Decrease Confusion, Improve Transfusion
2022 |
During the 2022 IHC Patient Safety Conference, attendee voices were gathered on film to discuss some of the challenges healthcare professionals have been faced with in today’s world. Their insight also highlighted what their plans and goals are to overcome these barriers #nomaterwhat.
Know that you are not alone in these challenges, your efforts within your healthcare organization are valued and together, we can improve patient safety and quality across the healthcare continuum.
Learn more about the #nomatterwhat movement: www.sterlinghawkins.com/nomatterwhat (Link)
2022 IHC Patient Safety Conference attendees had the opportunity to participate in the IHC Patient Safety Award and Poster Symposium that took place the day of the conference. IHC Patient Safety Award nominees shared their learnings and success stories with conference attendees through poster presentations. Below is a list of outstanding healthcare organizations that presented their posters during the event. Conference attendees also had the opportunity to vote for their favorite poster presentation.