Overview + Registration
Join Compass Healthcare Collaborative (Compass), convening providers and community stakeholders to work toward the common goal of exceptional healthcare in Iowa and across the nation! The Compass Annual Forum is an All Teach All Learn event in which attendees will learn and apply leadership practices through interactive activities to advance healthcare quality across the healthcare continuum. This event will take place May 28, 2025 at the Meadows Events and Conference Center in Altoona, IA.
Save the Date
Forum sessions will benefit physicians, CEOs, CFOs, senior administrators, nurses, quality assurance professionals, trustees/board members, clinic managers, infection control professionals, hospital pharmacy directors, clinical pharmacists and other healthcare personnel.
Discount Opportunities - Details To Come
Event Details
The event brochure provides information about the forum, a detailed agenda, continuing education information and highlights each forum speaker. The agenda overview document provides a quick glance at the exciting sessions the forum has in store for attendees as well as lists sponsor, exhibitor and continuing education information.
Continuing Education Information
Continuing Medical Education (CME)
Details to come...
American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE)
Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality (CPHQ)
Certified Professional in Patient Safety (CPPS)
Become a Vendor
The Compass team is preparing a robust vendor show for the forum and is looking for organizations interested in hosting a vendor booth. Compass anticipates 200 - 250 guests and approximately 30 - 50 healthcare organizations represented in attendance.
Set-up time will take place May 28 from 7:00 - 8:00 AM (CT). Clean-up time will be at 4:00 PM (CT) when the event is adjourned.
Each vendor booth will receive a:
- 8’ table with cloth and skirt
- 10' x 10' of 8' tall black pipe & drape
- 2 chairs
- Wastebasket
- Name badge
- Access to one (1) 110-volt electric outlet
- Booth signage
Please see the Vendor Form below for pricing details and how to secure a booth.
Vendor Form
Become a Sponsor
To further enhance the forum experience for attendees, Compass is inviting interested organizations to be a sponsor for this exciting event! This is a great opportunity for those interested in making valuable connections, supporting the Compass goal of improving healthcare quality and spreading the word about your outstanding organization!
How Compass shares event sponsor information:
- A sign with organization's logo at the forum
- Organization logo on event welcome slides
- Organization logo on forum e-blasts
- An E-blast thanking the specific organization for sponsoring the forum
- Organization logo and description on a social media post that highlights the specific organization
- Organization logo on a social media post that thanks all sponsors
- Organization logo on the Event Agenda Overview Document
- Organization logo on the Compass Annual Forum Webpage
- Organization mention on an iCompass discussion post
Who sees these sponsorship mentions?
- E-blasts reach 2,780+ contacts
- Compass LinkedIn Followers: 1,000+
- Compass Facebook Followers: 748
- Compass Twitter Followers: 339
- Compass iCompass subscribers: 2,443: iCompass is an Compass communicative platform healthcare professionals use to connect and collect valuable information and tools. Accounts are FREE to make.
If interested in this opportunity, utilize the form below.
Sponsor Form
If you have any questions, please connect with Compass at education@compasshcc.org.